Exploration and Production Geoscience

Exploration and production operations could be costly and operators make every effort to reduce inefficiency and loss of time. It still remains a challenge to adapt quickly, achieve the objectives and meet the expectations of an evolving industry. This book puts together what geoscience students need to know, covering in one volume, the full chain from exploration, through appraisal, to development and production of a field, it provides a synthesis that guides the geoscientist to be skilled in the whole. The reader will learn:

  • the basics of petroleum geoscience, stratigraphy, sedimentology and structural geology,
  • the different E & P disciplines, such as oil prospecting, exploration geophysics, oil field appraisal, seal assessment and unconventional resources,
  • the basics of well drilling, the pressures involved and the major well follow-up measurements done in mud logging,
  • the tools and processes used for measuring petrophysical and other important down-hole parameters, by methods known as wireline and LWD/MWD, and how to interpret them,
  • the monitoring of gas while drilling, core extraction and directional drilling, as well as geosteering,
  • miscellaneous rig site activities and contractual obligations, including audits, quality control and logistics,
  • a typical well site reporting; what happens at the end of the well: well tests, well completion, and abandonment.

Several techniques discussed in the book will find use in other fields of mining and energy quest. Individuals can now step up and venture into mainstream and marginal field opportunities. It is for a comprehensive skills acquisition, for diversification and timely optimization of remaining resources at this time of energy transition. A must-read for would-be and existing professionals during a mop-up exercise.

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Price: $48.00
Release Date: 01/02/2020
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